Welcome to Essential Drum Beats and Songs level 2.
In this course we will learn how to add subdivisions in between the beats to the grooves that we learnt in level 1
Once we can play all four stokes with good control, we can use them to create dynamics and accents in our playing.
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This is a short Drum solo written by Kevin Tuck that uses quarter note in the right hand cymbal parts to create a punky sound Click here to download the sheet
Click here to download the sheets The version that we have learnt in not a direct transcription of the original drum part, but a bit simpler. Here's a great cover version that is the same as the original. See if you can pick what is different. You will notice that Kristina plays the opening jazz pattern on the floor tom using two hands rather than one. What ever works for you! We can help to control the spaciousness and intensity of a group by the how tightly we hold the Hi-Hats together. Very tightly gives a very clean poppy, funky, or electronic sound. Loosely gives us a much fuller sound and helps to lift the intensity of the music. As we gradually reduce the pressure we start to hear the length of the Hi-Hat get longer as the Hi-Hats rattle together. If we hold our Hi-Hats very tight when playing a repetitive rhythm pattern on the Hi-Hats like in a quarter or eighth note rock beat we create some empty space between each hit. As we loosen the the pressure on the Hi-Hat we can begin to think about how much of the empty space our Hi-Hats take up. A good place to start is 1/4 of the space, (one sixteenth note) 1/2 the space, (an eighth note) 3/4 of the space, (a dotted eighth) or the full space (a quarter note). As we continue to loosen the Hi-Hats we create an overlapping sound which we usually describe as a loose Hi-Hat sound. We can use this overlapping Hi-Hat sound to create a very full sounding beats as we are now filling up all the space We can also gradually loosen or tighten our Hi-Hats as we are playing. This helps to increase or decrease the energy, or intensity of our playing.
Try to do this over these 4 bar exercises. click here to download the sheet Here is another tutorial. Once you have learnt all the basic patterns, time to put it all together. Check out this cover version to hear how all the sections join together We are going to start this lesson with a quick rhythm reading review Now, lets look at what happens to a notes values when we add a dot next to a note. Click here to download the sheet