click here to download the sheets You may notice as you are playing that there are some extra drum fills that are not on our sheet music. Well Listened! This first version is not a transcription, but an easy play version so we have have fun and success. If you are up for more of a challenge, check out this video below. It contains the extra fills, and we get to see what they look like when they are written down. Click here to download the transcription I can play eighth note rhythm patterns using alternate sticking I can play eighth note rhythm patterns using alternating sticking with quarter notes on the bass drum I can demonstrate 3 different volumes on the drums I can show a crescendos and a decrescendos I can play a variety of different eighth note rock beats I can play rock beats along with songs at tempos ranging from 80-120 bpm I can play an eighth note rock beat along with other musicians I can play the drum part for a least one song from the start to the finish of the song I can play a piece of music in a 3/4 time signature I can add a fill into my playing while keeping a steady tempo Click here to download the check point 3 sheets
Hitting the crash cymbal on the first beat of a bar is a way of emphasising that beat - Or making it stand our. A bit like how when we are writing we use a capital letter at the start of a sentence. Click here to download the sheet
Flams are a way of emphasizing a note. They are a very important part of ruimental snare drum playing. They are used in rock music help make a note 'Fat' Click here to download the sheet Click here to download the sheet music You may notice that you can hear some extra fills on the recording. True! We have left out a few things to make it a bit easier and to play. If you want an extra challenge, watch the video below and see if you can work out some of the things we have missed! We can change the volume and intensity of our beat by changing what instrument we play our riding pattern on Playing on the closed Hi-Hats produces a clean rhythmic sound Riding on the ride produces a fuller more sustained sound Riding on the crash produces a full and loud sound click here to download the sheets Putting it all togetherClick here to download the sheets Like our last songs, you may notice that the version that we have just learnt in not exactly the same as the original drum part - Pretty good, but not the same. Check out the video below for a real challange! Click here to download a transcription of the original drum part
I Can join two eighth note rock beats together to create a two 2 bar loop while keeping a steady tempo I can use eighth note rock beats with rests when playing along with songs I can read sixteenth note rhythms patterns and play them along with a metronome beat at 100 bpm I can play sixteenth and eighth note rhythm patterns with quarter notes on the bass drum. I can add a crash cymbal into my beats while maintaining a steady pulse I can loosen my hi-hats while playing a beat to help increase the dynamics and intensity of my playing. I can play my beats using different cymbals to help vary the dynamics of my playing I can demonstrate alternate flams, flam accents and flam paradiddles I can create a fill using sixteenths notes and add it into my playing while maintaining a steady pulse Click here to download the check Point 4 sheets
This is the first rhythmic summary from the book 'Rhythm Section Drumming' by Frank Corniola. The original tempo is quite fast, so work on small sections at a time and start slow and gradually work up your speed until you can play it up to speed. See this post for some learning and practice strategies.
This multiple percussion solo was originally written for snare drum and triangle. If you don't have access to a triangle you can easily substitute it for cymbal instead. Our time signature in this tune if 5/4. That means that we have to count 5 quarter note pulses in each bar Click here to download the sheet Click here to download the sheets Our version is a simplified version that makes it easier to play. The below video shows the sheet music for a transcription of the original drum part. A bit more challenging! Good luck |